OPEN A Demand note today!

The PMIF pays its investors competitive rates for any size investments for any period of time through demand notes. Funds invested are available to the investor upon demand without penalty. Withdrawals greater than $10,000 may take up to three business days to transact. Withdrawals are available through check or overnight transfer of funds through the national ACH transfer system. Simple interest is calculated daily and is paid or compounded semi-annually. The PMIF strives to pay its investors a rate that exceeds the current market savings rate.

Opening a PMIF Demand Note is easy! Simply print off the one page form below and mail to the PMIF (please do not send cash) with an initial check for your first deposit. The check should be mailed to 324 Avenue C, Swoyersville PA 18704.

Don’t have access to a printer? We’ll mail you a form!

Current demand note rate is: 5.00% (as of July 1, 2023)



add money to your Demand Note

It’s quick, and easy to make a deposit to demand note. Simply mail the PMIF a check along with a note identifying which account you you would like to make a contribution toward. Make that check payable to PMIF (please do not send cash) and mail to 324 Avenue C, Swoyersville PA 18704


Make a Contribution to the PMIF



The PMIF is designated as a non-profit religious organization 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. As such, outright gifts to the PMIF of cash, equities, real estate or tangible personal property are deductible for federal income tax purposes in the year the gift is given. Your gift to the PMIF is immediately used for God’s work according to your instructions. To make a gift, simply mail the PMIF a check along with a note identifying the funds as a gift. Make that check payable to PMIF (please do not send cash) and mail to 324 Avenue C, Swoyersville PA 18704


Named endowments may be established by donors within the PMIF structure. These are long lasting legacy gifts that have tremendous impacts on ministry. Once established the named endowment will be maintained by the PMIF in perpetuity for the reason designated by the donor (i.e. to fund a Guatemalan school scholarship). If you’d like to responsibly give to a PM ministry, contact us to set up an appointment.


Planned giving allows the donor to leave a living legacy to the PMIF and its furtherance of God’s work. If you’d like to responsibly give to a PM ministry, contact us to set up an appointment.

bequest by will

You can plan to give a gift to the PMIF by including the PMIF in your last will and testament. It is a simple matter to add a bequest to the PMIF in your will. Inclusion of a bequest to the PMIF will stand as a living testimony to your dedication to further God’s work on earth by providing additional funds to strengthen the PM Church.

Life Insurance

A life insurance policy can be established or changed to include the PMIF as either a full or co-beneficiary. Upon your home-going, funds will be made available to the PMIF to continue its mission of building the PM Church for His glory.